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Window Shopping

Any woman who is truly a woman understands this concept! For us is as simple as waking up in the morning! A man, who likes going out with a woman and pleasing her, must be able to truly understand this … Continuar a ler

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The Elevator

“Text reviewed by Claudia“ It was one of THOSE days when NOTHING goes right! The day was dark from dawn to sunset! The air was heavy and NOTHING seemed to be right for that day! Diane didn’t want to wake … Continuar a ler

Publicado em Fun, Random | 1 Comentário

Why do you want to be normal?

Well, on Tuesday night, more like the first hours of Wednesday (March 3rd), I was coming back to Brazil from Toronto! Well, it’s a 9-hour flight, which means that THERE ARE movies, news, cartoons to watch or radios to listen … Continuar a ler

Publicado em Deep, Fun, Random | Publicar um comentário

Come Home

Do you want to know if you’re missed while you’re not around your friends and family?! Easy, see how many of the following vids you get in a week 😀 I got 8 😀 After 1 month and a half, … Continuar a ler

Publicado em Deep, Fun, Random, Unloads | Publicar um comentário

May the Games Begin

Sorry, but this post was supposed to be posted a couple of days ago…but yet the feelings are the same! There is an ending but that’s for next week, on our last day here! Thank you for understanding! Continuar a ler

Publicado em Cultural, Fun, Random | Publicar um comentário